Teeth Whitening for Brighter Smiles in Burlington, MA

June 17, 2015

158554263Congratulations! We had record-breaking snow this year, but that has (finally) melted and everyone is ready for summer in Massachusetts. There’s so much to do: a weekend at the Cape, sailing on the Charles River, a Red Sox game, explore Beacon Hill, or a tasty backyard picnic with family and friends. No matter what activity suits you, there are sure to be many reasons to smile. So, now is the time to make sure your smile is looking as beautiful as possible. With teeth whitening, Dr. James P. Kostas and the team at Complete Dental Care in Burlington, MA, will have your teeth looking their absolute best.

If your teeth are yellowed, stained or otherwise discolored, then as the saying goes—join the club. Millions of Americans have less than perfectly white smiles and the reasons are all generally the same:

  • Commonly consumed foods and beverages, such as berries and tomatoes or coffee and red wine
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco
  • Certain medications, such as the antibiotic tetracycline
  • Teeth grinding and clenching, which can darken the biting surfaces of your teeth
  • Improper oral hygiene
  • The aging process
  • Tooth injuries

Choices for Teeth Whitening Burlington Loves

Whether you’re in a hurry to have a whiter smile because you have a special occasion coming up soon, or if you’d rather whiten on your own schedule, the cosmetic dentist Burlington depends on has the right teeth whitening option for you. With Opalescence® Teeth Whitening System, you’ll probably only need a single one-hour visit to our office to have a smile that is several shades whiter and brighter. Opalescence tooth whitening gel contains potassium nitrate and fluoride. Potassium nitrate reduces sensitivity, and fluoride helps to strengthen enamel. So, you won’t only be enhancing your smile when you whiten with Opalescence, you’ll be improving the health of your teeth at the same time.

If you’d prefer to whiten your teeth in the comfort and privacy of home, then Burlington dentist Dr. Kostas can give you a teeth-whitening kit. Simply fill the custom-fitted mouth trays with the professional grade whitening gel that we supply, and you’ll have dazzling new smile in about two weeks.

Call Our Office Today

To schedule your appointment for teeth whitening, call Complete Dental Care in Burlington, MA. We also serve the surrounding areas of Wilmington, Billerica, Woburn, Lexington, Bedford and beyond.

Improve Your Smile With Dental Implants

May 31, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-519555723Missing teeth can stand between you and a healthy, happier smile. We all want to look our best, and our teeth are no different. Missing teeth can be a confidence killer, but there is hope with dental implants from Dr. James P. Kostas at Complete Dental Care in Burlington, MA.


Implant Dentistry Overview

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a restoration for a missing tooth or teeth, helping to stop or prevent jaw bone loss. Losing teeth can be a drag and a confidence killer. Dental implants provide patients with the strength and stability to eat all the foods you love without struggling to chew. In addition, dental implants stimulate and maintain the jaw bone, thus avoiding bone loss and helping to preserve facial features. Dental implants in Burlington are getting the expert treatment.


Common tooth-loss factors:

  • Tooth decay
  • Root canal failure
  • Large cavities
  • Dental injuries
  • Gum disease (Periodontitis)
  • Trauma to the mouth (tooth injury)
  • Excessive wear and tear
  • Congenital defects

Implant dentistry services:

  • Quality, proven, reliable procedures
  • Exam and X-Rays
  • Placement of dental implants
  • Restoration to final results


The benefits to having dental implant dentistry are many including properly aligning your bite, natural-looking teeth, better oral health, bone loss prevention and so much more. Dental implant patients enjoy restored function, which allows a healthy diet of hard-to-chew foods, improved speech and more. Your new smile will boost your confidence, enhance your appearance and improve your quality of life.


Cosmetic Dentistry

The best cosmetic dentist in Burlington is Dr. Kostas – period. We can give you the smile you deserve! Some of our most popular cosmetic dentistry services include cosmetic bonding, teeth whitening, and porcelain veneers. Cosmetic dentistry is important not only for your teeth and gums, but in the way you carry yourself. How your teeth look can have a huge effect on your confidence and how you interact with people. Having a bright smile is a powerful mood booster. Did you know that smiling often has many physical benefits like lowering blood pressure and improving your immune system? See how Dr. Kostas and his staff can improve your smile using the latest cosmetic dentistry procedures.


Make An Appointment Today

To schedule an appointment, please speak with our friendly staff located in Burlington, MA. We also serve the surrounding areas of Wilmington, Billerica, Woburn, Lexington, Bedford and beyond.

Why Endurance Runners Have More Cavities: Oral Health for Athletes

April 11, 2015

451855347A study conducted in 2014 aimed to evaluate the correlation between endurance training and compromised oral health, a relationship that had been previously discovered but not thoroughly investigated. Today, we’d like to take some time to talk about the various ways that endurance training can affect your oral health.

Running & Tooth Decay: What’s the Connection?

The two don’t seem to have much to do with one another at first glance. After all, exercise is good for you, right? People who work out regularly are typically less prone to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. But can your time at the gym actually give you cavities? According to a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, it certainly can.

Researchers studied 70 men and women, half of whom were triathletes who trained nearly 10 hours per week running, swimming, and cycling. The other half of the group was comprised of non-exercising controls to ensure the validity of the study. Tests included saliva assessment, dental exams, and questionnaires regarding oral hygiene habits as well as dietary choices during training. The researchers discovered that nearly half of the triathletes consumed sports drinks rather than water during exercise and that 74 percent used sports bars or gels.

Often full of carbohydrates and sugars, these products bathe the teeth in the types of compounds that acid-causing bacteria love to eat. This significantly increases the risk of dental caries, or cavities. A carb-heavy diet has also been linked to increased pH levels in the mouth, another problem that is commonly associated with cavities. It was also found that a decrease in saliva production – coupled with breathing rapidly through the mouth during exercise – contributed to an environment that is more conducive to enamel erosion.

Reducing Your Cavity Risk

Naturally, we’d never tell you to quit your running or exercise routine in order to preserve the health of your pearly whites. There are, however, some things you can do to mitigate potential damage. Staying hydrated is a top priority as it aids in proper saliva production. Avoid sugary sports drinks and snacks, and opt for a cool bottle of water and fresh fruits or cheeses instead. Of course, home hygiene is as important as ever, so be sure to brush and floss twice daily.

If you have any other questions about how exercise affects oral health, please feel free to give us a call. Our Burlington, MA dental office proudly serves patients from communities in Bedford, Woburn, Billerica, and beyond.

A Stronger, More Confident Smile with Implant-Retained Dentures

March 11, 2015

78769905Dental implants are considered the gold standard of restorative dentistry. For edentulous patients, or those who are missing all of their teeth, dental implants can be used to support a full denture for a secure bite and a beautifully restored smile. At Complete Dental Care in Burlington, MA, Dr. James P. Kostas and his team believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the full benefits of a complete set of teeth. One of the ways that we accomplish this involves the use of implant-retained dentures.

The Advantages of Dental Implant-Retained Dentures

While removable dentures do help edentulous patients enjoy a more normal life following tooth loss, they can be unstable and uncomfortable. Ill-fitting dentures can slip when you speak or eat, and the feeling of a sliding prosthetic against your gums is far from pleasant. With traditional dentures, your diet is limited to foods that are manageable, and you may miss the freedom to enjoy your favorite meals and snacks.

Fortunately, Dr. Kostas has a proven solution that can restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with complete confidence. Implant-retained dentures are secure, comfortable, and easy to maintain. Strategically placed dental implants are surgically fixed within your jaw, creating a solid foundation for your restoration. Your dentures are custom-crafted to complement your facial contours and will look completely natural.

Unlike many dental practices in the area, Complete Dental Care offers both the placement and the restoration of dental implants right here under one convenient roof. From the first stages of planning your treatment to the moment you see your new smile for the first time, we are your trusted partners in your journey toward improved oral health with dental implants.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are interested in learning more about how implant-retained dentures can help you reclaim your smile and your life, please contact our office today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Kostas. Our team sincerely looks forward to helping you achieve your oral health goals with the latest in dental technology and a genuine passion for patient comfort. Experience the difference our expertise can make in your smile. From our state-of-the-art dental practice in Burlington, MA, Dr. Kostas proudly serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including Bedford, Billerica, Woburn, and beyond.

Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month with Dr. James P. Kostas

February 11, 2015

178067812Since 1949, the American Dental Association (ADA) has celebrated the importance of children’s oral health every February. This year, we’d like to take the opportunity to emphasize the role that children’s dentistry plays in your little one’s smile and overall health. At Complete Dental Care, Dr. James P. Kostas offers a comprehensive range of general family dentistry services to patients in Burlington, MA, including gentle children’s dentistry.

Give Your Child’s Smile a Smart Start

Studies show that children who visit the dentist regularly tend to experience better oral health as adolescents and adults. Bringing your son or daughter into our office for routine checkups and cleanings will help to pave the road toward strong, beautiful smiles for years to come. Because we understand that many of your younger patients may feel apprehensive about visiting a strange place, we always strive to promote a calm, comfortable environment where they know they are safe and warmly welcomed.

As a parent, you do everything you can to keep your son or daughter healthy and happy. Because we respect you and your family, we will never recommend a treatment that is unnecessary; in fact, we want you to serve as our partners in your child’s oral health. You will always be fully informed of the state of your little one’s teeth and gum health, and our team will gladly answer any questions you may have in a way that is straightforward and easy to understand.

Schedule Your Child’s Dental Visit Today

Though National Children’s Dental Health Month does offer an ideal opportunity to raise oral health awareness for the kids in our community, our team believes that every day provides a new chance to build a solid foundation of healthy smiles for our youngest patients. If it has been more than six months since the last time your son or daughter visited the dentist, the time to call and make an appointment is now. We can’t wait to welcome the youngest smiles in your family to our Burlington, MA dental office. Our team also happily serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including Woburn, Bedford, Billerica, and beyond.

A New Year, a New Smile: Make Your Resolutions Count with Cosmetic Dentistry

January 9, 2015

157247370Happy New Year from all of us here at Complete Dental Care! We hope everyone has enjoyed a safe and joyous holiday season, and that all of our patients are looking forward to a year full of healthy, beautiful smiles. To help start the New Year out right, we’d like to center our first post of 2015 around the ways our team can help you get the bright, gorgeous smile you deserve. With the most advanced technology in the industry and a gentle, caring approach, the office of Dr. James P. Kostas offers cosmetic dentistry to patients in Burlington, MA and beyond.

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help You?

Do you ever look at your teeth in photos or in the mirror and wish that they were whiter? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. Millions of Americans are dissatisfied with the shade of their teeth and the way it affects their self-confidence. Whether it’s red wine, tea, tobacco, or your morning cup of coffee, surface stains add up over time and cause your smile to look less than luminous. Whitening toothpastes and over-the-counter products claim to brighten enamel, but achieving truly noticeable results requires a professional grade whitening formula. At Complete Dental Care, we personalize our teeth whitening treatments to create dazzling smiles both in our office and with custom at-home whitening kits. You’ll love how quickly and easily we can lift years of deep stains from your teeth, allowing you to show off a superstar smile not only in 2015, but for years to come!

Are you looking for a way to completely transform the appearance of your smile without extensive dental work? Porcelain veneers may be the perfect solution for you. These wafer-thin shells of dental porcelain are meticulously crafted to look and feel completely natural, correcting a wide variety of common aesthetic flaws. Chips, gaps, cracks, misalignment, and deep stains become a thing of the past in as few as two visits to our office. We also offer CEREC same day crowns, dental implants, full mouth reconstruction, and invisible braces with Six Month Smiles. Whatever your smile needs to look its absolute best, you’ll find it here at Complete Dental Care, your local Burlington, MA dentist.

Kick Off 2015 with a Smile

This year, resolve to have the brightest, most confident smile in the room wherever you go. While crash diets and extreme workout goals virtually always end in broken resolutions, it’s easy to keep this one at Complete Dental Care. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation and to learn more about how our team can give you the flawless, radiant smile you’ve always wanted. Our conveniently located office in Burlington, MA happily welcomes families from throughout communities in Billerica, Bedford, Woburn, and the surrounding areas.

Dr. Kosta’s Top Tips for Better Oral Health this Holiday Season

December 8, 2014

154311641December is upon us, and with the end of 2014 quickly approaching, families from across America are well into the festivities of the holiday season. Today, we’d like to take a moment to talk about a few ways you can keep your family’s smiles shining brightly throughout the merriment of December and on into the New Year. At Complete Dental Care in Burlington, MA, Dr. James P. Kostas and his caring team invite you to enjoy the bounties of this holiday season with these healthy smile tips.

  1. Indulge in holiday favorites – in Moderation! This time of year is well-known for its abundance of delicious treats, including everything from decadent dinners and desserts to candy canes and Christmas stocking surprises. We’d never tell you to abstain from your favorite goodies, but it is important to remember that moderation is key. Rather than graze all day on crackers, candy, cakes, and other popular holiday fare, try to stick to your regular three meals a day, always brushing and flossing twice a day as usual.
  2. Keep your sugar intake in check. The holidays simply wouldn’t be the same without pies, cakes, strudels, pastries, cookies, and so much more. Unfortunately, these sweet treats are full of the sugars oral bacteria love. The bacteria that live in our mouths convert sugars and starches to acid, and this acid is the cause of tooth decay and other serious oral health problems. Try to drink plenty of water while you eat and throughout the day, and try to avoid foods that are excessively sticky, chewy, or gummy.
  3. You can eat great food and still take care of your smile. Many of the foods we love to eat around the holidays are actually good for your teeth! Eyeing that assorted cheese platter? Go for it! The enzymes in many cheeses – including aged cheddar, Swiss, Gouda, Monterey Jack, and even processed American cheese – have actually been shown to reduce the acidity of the mouth, leading to a lower instance of dental caries. Milk, yogurt, and kefir are also great choices, as the calcium they contain strengthens tooth enamel.
  4. Schedule your routine visit to Complete Dental Care. Though the holiday season is undoubtedly a busy time for everyone, there’s always room for a simple, one-hour visit to our office for an exam and professional cleaning. These biannual preventive care appointments help to keep your smile strong and looking its best all year long, and they present the perfect opportunity to bring up any questions or concerns you might have about your oral health.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Celebrate this holiday season in style with a brilliant smile that’s as healthy as it is radiant. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kostas and his friendly, experienced team. We can’t wait to serve you and your family! Our Burlington, MA dental office warmly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas of Bedford, Woburn, Billerica, and beyond.

Make the Most of Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire: It’s Not Too Late!

November 7, 2014

513884757November is officially here, and the end of the year will be here before we know it. While we know that this time of year can be busy – what with holiday season upon us and plenty to do in preparation – we do want to take a moment to remind our valued patients of one important factor regarding dental insurance benefits. To make sure that you’re getting the most from your hard-earned money this year, Dr. James P. Kostas and the team at Complete Dental Care offer this vital information about dental benefits, just in time to beat the December 31st deadline.

Why Use My Benefits Now?

Most dental benefits plans run on a calendar year, which means that they effectively reset as of January 1st. Any unused benefits, although they have been paid for all year, are forfeited when the plan starts over. Because your benefits don’t carry over into the New Year, it’s important to use them now before they expire.

Another primary consideration is your deductible. This is the amount of money that a policy holder must pay out of pocket before benefits become effective. Just like your benefits, your deductible resets at the beginning of each year. If you have already paid your deductible but haven’t been back to the dentist, you could be missing out on all of the benefits that are available to you. We want to make sure that doesn’t happen!

In addition to ensuring that you get your money’s worth before time runs out, maximizing your dental benefits can prevent serious oral health issues like tooth decay and periodontal disease. With routine exams and cleanings, our team can help you avoid more costly dental concerns in the future.

Dental Benefits: Use It, Don’t Lose It!

The majority of working American men and women devote a portion of their paycheck every month toward a dental plan, though many never end up visiting a dentist! Why not take advantage of the great dental benefits you’ve been paying for all year long? Contact our office today to schedule your visit with the caring, experienced team at Complete Dental Care. We’ll even help you with your claims so you can rest assured that all of your paperwork is properly filed. Our warm, welcoming Burlington, MA dental office also offers financing through CareCredit, and we happily serve families from the surrounding areas of Bedford, Billerica, Woburn, and more. We look forward to helping you take full advantage of your dental benefits and to providing your entire family with exceptional dental care.

Get Your Little One’s Smile Ready for Halloween! Children’s Dentistry in Burlington, MA

October 20, 2014

160141018Halloween is just around the corner, and children from across the country are gearing up to head out and stock up on the season’s tastiest sweet treats. While candy and Halloween undoubtedly go hand in hand, it is important to consider the dental damage your child’s holiday haul may cause.

Fortunately, this fun and festive fall holiday is the perfect time for children to get a head start on maintaining their oral health for the new year to come, and the team at Complete Dental Care is here to help. With a comprehensive range of preventive children’s dentistry services, Dr. James P. Kostas helps families from throughout Burlington, MA protect their precious smiles from common problems like gum disease and tooth decay.

Protecting Tiny Smiles with Preventive Children’s Dentistry

When it comes to your child’s smile, prevention truly is the best medicine. Keep cavities at bay this holiday season with protective dental sealants, fortifying fluoride treatments, and a solid home hygiene routine. Dental sealants help ward off cavities by keeping bacteria and food debris out of hard-to-reach crevices, and fluoride actively strengthens tooth enamel. Both treatments are safe and effective, proven to reduce the risk of developing cavities in conjunction with regular dental checkups.

Halloween Candy Buy Back

After the costumes have been put away and all of your child’s favorite treats have been carefully selected, you can bring the excess in to Complete Dental Care and give the gift of generosity to our troops overseas. With our Halloween Candy Buy Back program, your child will receive $2.00 per pound of donated candy (up to 5 pounds) during the week of November 3rd, 2014. We’ll send all of the goodies to the brave men and women of our military; now that’s a reason to smile!

Schedule Your Child’s Visit Today

You do everything you can to keep your children healthy, happy, and safe. This holiday season, make sure your little one’s teeth and gums are protected from oral health concerns with preventive children’s dentistry at Complete Dental Care. Conveniently located in Burlington, MA, our family-friendly dental practice is privileged to serve patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Woburn, Bedford, Billerica, and beyond. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to serving your entire family’s oral healthcare needs!

Repair Your Smile in One Visit with CEREC Same-Day Crowns in Burlington, MA

September 20, 2014

134124545A dental crown is a restoration that fits over a damaged tooth like a cap, providing structural stability, aesthetic improvement, and protection from infection. Traditionally, the process of creating and placing a crown could take weeks and require multiple appointments, making it an inconvenient and expensive process for the patient. With CEREC same-day crowns, Dr. James P. Kostas helps patients in Burlington, MA communities reclaim their smiles in just one visit to Complete Dental Care.

The CEREC Same-Day Crowns Process

First, we’ll capture a three dimensional image of your prepared tooth using digital impression technology. This means that there’s no messy impression material, and the modeling process takes less time than ever before. The CEREC software then uses the digital data we’ve captured to create a computerized model of your tooth, ensuring accuracy of your restoration’s precise measurements. Within about an hour, your beautifully customized crown will be milled and completed, ready for placement.

With CEREC same-day crowns, there’s no need for temporary crowns, and you don’t have to wait weeks for your final restoration to come back from an off-site laboratory. You come in for your appointment at our state-of-the-art Burlington, MA dental office and leave with a completely restored smile that you’ll love showing off to the world.

Because the CEREC machine mills your crown from a single block of dental porcelain meticulously measured to fit your tooth, we’re able to preserve more of your enamel during the preparation process. In addition to being an incredibly durable and conservative treatment, CEREC same-day crowns are aesthetically superior as well. The porcelain chosen is exactly matched to the color of your existing teeth, resulting in a gorgeously restored smile that looks completely natural.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Whether you are in need of a new dental restoration or you’d simply like to learn more about the possibilities afforded by CEREC technology, our skilled and experienced team can help. Contact our office in Burlington, MA today to schedule your visit, and see what a difference CEREC same-day crowns can make in your smile. Our practice warmly welcomes families from throughout Burlington and the surrounding areas, including Bedford, Woburn, Billerica, and more.

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